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Members’ rights regarding EQAO withdrawal
It is ETFO’s position that EQAO be eliminated. ETFO believes that ongoing daily assessment by teachers is far more meaningful and effective for students and parents.
All students in publicly funded schools are legally required to write the provincial tests unless formally exempted. In Ontario, there is no legal way to withdraw students from EQAO.
Parents can request that their child not participate in any part of the EQAO testing. More information and a sample letter that members can customize and send to their child’s school principal can be found on the News and Updates page at etfo.ca.
Say No to the EQAO Teacher Questionnaire
ETFO’s provincial Executive continues to advise members not to participate in the voluntary Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) teacher questionnaire.
EQAO has indicated it is leveraging information from teacher questionnaires to investigate decreasing EQAO scores. Don’t give the government ammunition to blame teachers for declining scores; keep accountability where it belongs: their systemic underfunding of public education. Say no to the EQAO teacher questionnaire.
Please share this advisory information with your colleagues involved in EQAO.
ETFO member advisories can be found on the ETFO member website. Register with your ETFO ID at members.etfo.ca